Sea buckthorn – looking a picture of health.

The original concept of growing sea buckthorn at Devereux farm was in the long term to establish a commercial crop, but the process of getting there was accepted as having to go through a number of trial stages. Choosing Siberian plants was a good in theory concept. Higher yield, multiple varieties, few or no thorns,… Continue reading Sea buckthorn – looking a picture of health.

2016 – a year fo.r decisions, but time will tell

Devereux, and our other farm, Walton Hall  are like rural enterprises across the UK looking to the future. The principle arable enterprise bumps along with incomes that go from unexciting to  non-contributory to the business. The days of a nation wide network of government funded agricultural research stations are gone. The term food security for… Continue reading 2016 – a year fo.r decisions, but time will tell

Still stable in changing times

As you sow , so shall you reap goes the saying. There is an undercurrent in the world of dis-satisfaction to a degree that we have never seen before. The rise of Donald Trump in the USA, in spite of his maverick status and uncompromising retoric is ruffling the feathers of the conventional political system.… Continue reading Still stable in changing times

Spring review of Siberian plants and their management.

Spring is a time for being upbeat and now that field work has started some management issues are coming to light. The fact that variety Klaudia decided to break dormancy on December 31st has not made any difference to its wellbeing. For ease of growing it has been great. The long wet spring has not… Continue reading Spring review of Siberian plants and their management.