
2018 becoming a practical reality

After two mild winters it is refreshing to have frosts appearing nightly. It is also good news to finally see some signs of movement in the Brexit negotiations. As a strong advocate of remaining in Europe I have to accept the outcome. In agriculture it poses threats to how we trade and the need for… Continue reading 2018 becoming a practical reality

Networking and whole crop potential in natural health benefits

Our sea buckthorn harvest this year seems to have generated a whirlwind of travelling. Maybe it was naive to consider that flying plants several thousand miles to a new growing environment was not going to create some ticklish problems, but all new enterprise is about challenge. Harvestability is key to developing any crop. This has… Continue reading Networking and whole crop potential in natural health benefits

Back to Siberia and Lisavenko

The primary objective of growing sea buckthorn here at Devereux farm has always been to produce a commercial crop of consistent quality berries. This crop then has to be acceptable to the UK market. With sea buckthorn growing wild in the UK this might not seem like much of a challenge. All crops at some… Continue reading Back to Siberia and Lisavenko

Real UK Siberian Sea buckthorn berries ripening on the bush –

As this week saw the coming of mid summer day it is odd how we perceive the seasons. August maybe the time of school holidays and when many people take their annual leave, but it is the end of summer and also its weather is often unpredictable. June however feels more as if it is… Continue reading Real UK Siberian Sea buckthorn berries ripening on the bush –

The excitment builds – our sea buckthorn is ripening.

Embarking on a new idea, a novel or innovative concept means going on an unpredictable journey. There have been many plans for the sea buckthorn at Devereux farm. The first plants from Germany and Finland arrived back in 2009. There were seminars and consultant meetings. Business plans written, meetings with marketing companies; and visits to… Continue reading The excitment builds – our sea buckthorn is ripening.

Harvest is coming – after 11 years.

It has been a historic month and no escaping the election. Those who will look back on this period of our history will have the benefit of knowing how the actions that we have taken will have impacted on our country.  Voting is a valuable right. The choices we make as individuals may not end… Continue reading Harvest is coming – after 11 years.